Invest 2023 conference opening & welcome remarks

Invest 2023 welcome remarks by Financial Planning Editor-in-Chief, Brian Wallheimer.

Transcript :

Brian Heimer (00:07):

Good morning everyone. Welcome to Invest 2023. I am Brian Wallheimer. I am Editor-in-Chief of Financial Planning. On behalf of our whole team here at Arizent we want to thank you for coming today. They say there are only two certainties in life, death and taxes, but I think there are two more certainties when it comes to technology and wealth management. Technology specifically, the right technology is truly essential for meeting many of the needs from crypto, from compliance to portfolio construction, to client interactions in so much more. And the second thing is that once you get comfortable with technology, everything changes. That is, if you ever had time to get comfortable with your technology in the first place, Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT are the buzzwords today, and something could cause seismic shifts later this month, later this week, maybe later today. That is why we wanted to invest 2023 to not just be about technology that is available for wealth managers.


We want to talk about how to get the most out of your technology, how to think about the problems it can solve and what is coming next according to Financial Plannings wealth tech reporter Justin Mack, that is the Metaverse. And I am told that has something to do with a tiger and a large picture of Jamie Diamond. But before I got like two laughs and I was really hoping for four, but before you all run off to the JP Morgan Metaverse lounge, that is what I refer to there to check that out. We hope you enjoy the great programming we have for you over the next two days. Later this morning, you are going to hear from altruist CEO, Jason Wank on pre preparing financial advisors for the future. And tomorrow we will get Orion's Chief Behavioral Officer, Daniel Crosby's thoughts on human first advice in the age of AI.


Our sessions are divided amongst three tracks, improving that client experience, future proofing your practice with wealth, tech and regulation and compliance in 2023. We also have research coming up shortly on the Great Wealth Transfer here in a few minutes, case studies throughout the next two days, demos, exhibitors you should visit, and ample time to network with your peers. Aside from those, I am going to draw your attention to a few special programming notes. First, just before lunch today, we have an executive panel focus on focused on women leaders and wealth tech. We will hear from Cindy Joseph and Claudia Kane in a discussion moderated by our sister publication American Bankers, Mary Ellen Egan. I am very much looking forward to that conversation. There is a cocktail reception and meet the experts panel at the end of today's programming. It is a great opportunity to hear from some of the folks you are going to see on stages and in panels over the next two days.


I also believe that Justin Mack might be providing some entertainment as he did last year. Justin, oh, it is, you can not miss that guys tomorrow morning before lunch. You can take in an AI town hall. I highly recommend Justin is going to be leading that as well. As we all know, AI is changing and will change how wealth management does business. Justin is going to be talking with the, that discusses new tools, hitting the market, practical applications, and what AI really means for wealth management beyond all the buzz and hype. And finally, I want to end our conference with the wind down. You might be ready to call it today. You might be ready to leave, but stop. Have a glass of wine, have a drink, and we are going to have some moderated discussions with Arizent staff about all of the things we talked about this week. A great way to just digest all that information, talk with your peers one last time before we get you on your way. Before I step aside so we can get this conference started, I want to thank everyone who has put so much effort into making Invest 2023 a reality from our conference planning team at Arizent to our marketing folks, our editorial team at financial planning and American Banker, they are doing quite a bit here as well.


I lost my spot, I am sorry. And a special thanks to Justin Mack who for the last several months was never not working on invest. Thank you, Justin, for all that you do and to the hotel, staff, camera crews, and everyone here who makes everything happen. Thank you all.


And last, but not least to all of you assembled here today. I thank you for being here and thank you again in advance for your ideas and participation. This conference is about ideas and we look forward to hearing yours in sessions, in networking breaks and in emails and LinkedIn messages as we go throughout the conference and the days after. That is all from me, but please do stop me and any member of the Arizent team should you win anything, bounce any ideas off of us, and put a face to a name. Thank you so much. Enjoy the conference.