Demo: Factset


A series of technology-focused presentations for new products and services you can visualize integrating into your workflows.

Transcript :

Stephanie Mead (00:07):

Hi everyone. Nice to see you all. My name is Stephanie Mead and I am excited to introduce you to FactSet's Award-winning Advisor dashboard, a workflow solution that marries all of FactSet's content and analytics with an advisor's book of business. The intent here is to keep the advisor informed of what's happening with our client's portfolios and top positions. We are aggregating a lot of information in here, including portfolio performance, risk, data exposures, characteristics, along with top news, research and events tied to an advisor's book. So with that, I also want to mention that some people have their own advisor dashboard or have their own dashboard, but they need help enriching that dashboard. So while I am going to demo the full front end today, all of the content, all of the analytics that you see within this dashboard can be programmatically delivered via a p i widget data feed.


So really meeting at our clients where they are and surfacing the appropriate amount of information in their dedicated dashboard. It is also worth mentioning Advisor Dashboard is a managed app inside Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. So truly meeting the advisor where they are by pulling together the appropriate amount of portfolio insights and intelligence directly in CRM alongside all of their client data, meeting notes, hobbies, and so on. So with that, I am going to go ahead and get started with the demo. So you can see here at the top of the application we have this index banner. This is just meant to keep the advisor informed of what's happening in the market, what's happening with the fixed income or equity markets or commodity markets. But everything below that pertains to the advisor's book. So we have some book stats at the top, total assets under management cash available, how that is spread across, say households or accounts or unique positions.


And you will notice red and green throughout the application. So this app does update intraday. So if the advisor, the clients of the advisor is heavily exposed to the equity markets and wants to understand how is the volatility that day impacting my client portfolios, they are able to see that and this mover section actually surfaces that for the individual advisor. So they could see based on unrealized gain loss or based on market value change today, which accounts or which households or which clients are seeing the largest fluctuation from a market value perspective. So it can help understand maybe are there certain clients that might be reaching out to me? Are there certain clients I need to be more proactive and reach out to? And then I can click on any of these relationships, whether that is the individual portfolio or the household, any group of portfolios to understand the positions within that household.


What's the AUM distribution by asset class? And this can be tied to your firm's taxonomy to keep things consistent with any other applications you're using. But I could also look at things like sector distribution, ETF ratings, issuer exposures, economy exposures, and so on. And you have your mover section here too. So again, if it is a volatile day in the market and you unders want to understand which securities are maybe driving performance for that individual, you can see that up here. And then down at the bottom, the advisor can see all the positions, the funds, the ETFs, the stocks and bonds, what that client holds. The internal status column here is just a way to represent that. In addition to portfolio positions, clients are also sending us important information like buy, buy lists or sell lists or restricted lists. So surfacing for the advisor, are there certain securities that I need to have a conversation with my clients about?


And going beyond kind of market value changes and cash balances. Of course, factus known for all of our analytics from a stock and bond perspective. So looking at things like dividends and dividend yields for the stocks and equities or for the bond perspective, looking at durations and OAS and credit ratings for the individual positions. So that is more on the holding side to the right, you will see this notification panel as well. So this is just going to inform the advisor of any top news research, AI driven signals or events tied to the positions in that client's portfolio. But one of the great things about the notification panel is it stays in context wherever the advisor is. So if I am back in my book overview, looking across all my client accounts, this notification panel is seamlessly looking at all the portfolio positions across my accounts and surfacing the top news research and events tied to those positions.


And you will notice for each story, it is contextualized with who the story is about the AUM tied to that position and the number of accounts that own that security. And going one step further in this news view, I can order the stories in order by not only date and time, but by AUM to bring maybe the most impactful stories to the top of the grid. If I click on this story, say about Oracle, which is a top position across my book, I get a bullet point summary of what the story's about and my top impacted accounts. The news section in particular is driven by FactSet Street account. Hopeful, some of you have heard that news provider before. But really our focus to is to provide a new and material market moving price impactful stories. We are the anti fire hose of news.


We are not trying to inundate the advisor with a lot of noise and a lot of story duplication, but really just surface and show you the news that matters. The M&A, the bankruptcy announcements, the upgrades and downgrades thing that is going to have a impact on a stock's performance. And going beyond news, there is also this research tab. So this can be external research, it could also be internal research. So if there's a home office team producing research insights on various strategies or securities funds and ETFs that they are recommending, that can now be front and center and contextualized back to the advisor and the client's book exposures. So oftentimes research might get buried in SharePoints or in inboxes. Now it is kind of front and center alongside all the other portfolio analytics the advisor needs quick access too. Our signals database is a proprietary database. This is where we are automating research workflows.


So people leveraging FactSet no longer have to do in-depth analysis to understand is the ESG picture for a client position changing or is the free cashflow declining or the dividends significantly changing? We are going to automate all those as market intelligence stories and push that to our clients via the signals database. And then lastly, your events. These are your traditional events, earnings, dividends, coupon payments, and I could filter down to maybe just the income oriented events and see, okay, are any of my clients seeing an increased dividend? Can I put that additional cash to work? Again, all of these stories and events are contextualized with the book level exposures.


Now down at the bottom here, we have our account grid. So this is showing all the individual accounts across my book and those accounts can be aggregated. So I can turn on this grouping and see I am grouped by household and client sorted by percent of book. I can see my largest relationship at the top is Sharon and James the Jones household. If I want to better understand the accounts within that household, I can add a third layer or maybe I want to look at within the household itself, which accounts do I actually have discretion over? So I can kind of aggregate and group accounts on the fly very quickly and seamlessly, or I can filter them. So maybe I want to take discretionary non-discretionary accounts out of my grid altogether. There is that concept of filtering as well. And then going beyond kind of cash balances and unrealized gain loss, this is where advisors can look at their portfolio or their book of business through different lenses. So accessing say characteristics or ESG exposures or geographic revenue exposure, it is really critical to understand which regions, economies, individual securities are exposed to. And we do that at the security level. We roll that up at the fund and ETF level, and then in this case, the portfolio and household level. So when the war in Russia, Ukraine broke out, a lot of clients were asking us, well, how do I understand what my exposure is to Russia? We quickly rolled this out to help them kind of navigate that.


And then outside of characteristics and exposures, of course, it is really important to understand is a portfolio staying within certain compliance mandates. So we have some IPS views where an advisor can quickly see is there a portfolio from say an asset allocation perspective. So using these yellow and red indicators, we can really quickly surface are there portfolios that have breached certain constraints or are trending towards that? So historically, a lot of advisors might have that kind of workflow centralized within a compliance team. Now that all that information is front and center, center actionable intelligence for the advisor. And then lastly, performance and risk stats. Again, an advisor might going to a PMS system for that, a market data system for news and events, and a third system for other content like ESG. We have all of this centralized within one dashboard really to try and reduce that swivel chair effect of having to jump between many different systems to answer client queries and address key workflows.


So I mentioned in the beginning our managed app inside Salesforce, so the advisor could have access to the entire advisor dashboard tool within Salesforce. But additionally, if I am talking to say the Jones household and I pull up all their information, their financial accounts, relationships, hobbies, and details, I can also get this focused advisor dashboard again, showing me the AUM distribution, the underlying positions, the sector exposures, and that notification panel with the key news research and events tied to those portfolios. So truly meeting the advisor where they are and giving them the appropriate amount of portfolio insights directly within CRM. So that was my very quick demo. I have 15 seconds left. Feel free to come by the FactSet up booth. I am happy to do a more in-depth demo for anyone here that wants to learn more and happy to answer any questions you have. So thank you. Enjoy the rest of the conference.