SUBACCOUNTING: Business Statistics - Full-Service Providers

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Full-service Subaccounting business statistics.

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SUBACCOUNTING: Business Statistics - Full-Service Providers
BNY Mellon Envision Financial Systems, Inc.
# Firms 15 N/A
# Portfolios 26,293 N/A
# Open-end U.S. mutual fund shareholder accounts (Ks) 64,661 N/A
# Closed-end U.S. mutual fund shareholder accounts 0 N/A
# Firms added/lost in 2019 3(1) N/A
# Shareholder accounts added/lost in 2019 1,188,526 Yes
# Clients outside of the U.S. Yes N/A
# Clients operate offshore funds N/A N/A
# Clients subaccounting non-U.S. or non-’40 Act funds N/A N/A
# Offices outside of the U.S. 83 1
Unique price rule algorithms system concurrently supports 8 Unlimited
Unique CDSC rule algorithms system concurrently supports Yes Unlimited
Provide dividend records in time for posting on payable date Yes Yes
No. of years of transaction history that can be accessed Contract Defined Infinite
Overflow facilities No No
Require funds to sign multiyear contract Yes Yes
Offer hybrid servicing (mix of full and remote service) Yes Yes
Average industry experience (years) 26 N/A
Average tenure with company (years) 9 N/A
Primary client contact and subaccounting staff at same location Yes Yes
Quality incentives available Yes Yes
In-house fulfillment facility Yes No
Dedicated training staff/curriculum for Yes Yes
Level of employee turnover ** N/A
No-Load Funds U U
Front Load Funds U U
CDSC (Back Load) Funds U U
Spread Load Funds U U
Multiple Class Funds U U
Money Market Funds U U
Offshore Funds U U
Foreign Managed Funds U U
State Investment Pool U U

**=Not Reported
N=Not Available
U=In Use
D=In Development
N/A=Not Applicable