4 questions on the scope of gender lens investing


In a new episode of the Financial Planning podcast, an expert in gender lens investing explains the growing opportunities in the rapidly expanding asset class.

Angela Atherton, the principal for operations and strategy of independent research firm Parallelle Finance, spoke with FP Senior Editor Tobias Salinger after the company released its “Gender Lens Investing 2021” report. Assets under management among publicly traded gender lens equity funds jumped 40% to $2.67 billion in 2020, according to Parallelle.

As Atherton points out in the podcast, however, the funds investing in stocks represent only one of several kinds of products for ordinary and accredited investors alike in the category of gender lens investing. Atherton answered the following questions posed by Salinger:

Angela Atherton, Parallelle Finance
Angela Atherton is the principal for operations and strategy of independent research firm Parallelle Finance.
Parallelle Finance

1. There were so many interesting facts, figures and other findings in Parallelle Finance’s Gender Lens Investing 2021 report. What were the two or three that most stood out to you in compiling the report?

2. In light of the coronavirus, your great research on fixed income products or certificates of deposit that extend capital to female entrepreneurs in the U.S. and across the world seemed especially interesting. How can clients who have noticed or experienced how hard the pandemic has hit women use their investments to support women-led businesses?

3. We noticed the list of the companies among the top 10 holdings among Gender Lens Equity Funds. Microsoft was far and away the most well represented with 11 different funds placing the firm in their top 10 largest equity holdings. Visa, Estee Lauder, Accenture, Amazon, PayPal and Texas Instruments were the other firms most frequently making the top 10 holdings of Gender Lens Equity Funds. What commonalities among these firms lead to these fund allocation decisions among Gender Lens Equity Funds?

4. What is the outlook for gender lens investing in 2021?

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