Boomerang kids can sabotage retirement: Retirement Scan

Our daily roundup of retirement news your clients may be thinking about.

Boomerang kids may be sabotaging clients' retirement
Many retirees are unable to shore up their retirement funds because their adult children either don't leave home or are returning to live with their parents, according to this article in the Chicago Tribune. While parents encourage their children to pursue their passion, they "are footing a lot of their expenses and killing their own retirement," says a family coach. Living with parents is the most popular living arrangement for the first time in more than 130 years for people 18 to 34 years of age, according to the article. Sometimes, it's necessary, but assistance should help foster independence. Simply getting money just reinforces the behavior of asking and can ultimately lead to dependency. Instead, clients are advised to support their children in a way that will teach them to live independently later on, not to become dependent on them financially. --Chicago Tribune


Biggest mistakes executives make with retirement packages
Many executives tend to negotiate or renegotiate their retirement package with their employer in the latter part of their careers, ending up with a less favorable deal, according to this article on MarketWatch. Some executives accept their company's offer without contesting it or they simply take the firm's lump-sum proposal without calculating how long the money will last. Other executives demand many things from their employer instead of negotiating for the items that are crucial to their retirement. Learn more about the common mistakes executives make when negotiating their retirement package with their employer and know what they can do to avoid these blunders. --MarketWatchs

What Brexit means for your client's retirement
Retirement saves are advised to stay calm and stick to their long-term investment strategy after Great Britain's vote to leave the European Union, says a financial adviser. They should also expect the stock market to remain volatile for a while due to the U.S. presidential election and other concerns, and look at it as an opportunity to rebalance their portfolio, says the expert. “If you don’t have a long-term strategy, if you’re not properly diversified, this is the time to get effective financial advice. Investors could act on impulse and do the very wrong thing at the very wrong time.” --Yahoo Finance

Is waiting until 70 to claim Social Security a mistake after all?
Although delaying Social Security retirement benefits until the age of 70 yields a substantial increase in benefit value, retirees are advised to account for the smaller checks that they will not receive during the years that they defer the benefit, according to this article on the personal finance website Motley Fool. Clients may not be inclined to opt for a bigger retirement benefit after determining the breakeven point, which is when the total amount of benefits they get if they delay the benefits will exceed the total amount of benefits they will receive if they start collecting early.For example, the breakeven point for a retiree who deserves to receive $1,000 at his full retirement age, but opts to start collecting the benefits at age 62, will be the age 80. --Motley Fool

America isn't saving enough. Can that be fixed before it's too late?
Lawmakers and experts are introducing various proposals aimed at helping Americans secure their retirement as many aging baby boomers have not saved enough for their golden years, according to the Los Angeles Times. While changes to Social Security are being considered, lawmakers also agree that individual 401(k) plans have not done much to help workers prepare adequately for retirement. The U.K.'s vote to exit the European Union has caused a stock selloff in the market, prompting retirement investors to go into panic mode. “The longer we wait, the more draconian the solutions will have to be,” says an expert. --Los Angeles Times

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Retirement planning Social Security Brexit